Isak Wahlstedt

Medical Phycisist, PhD Department of Health Technology,

DK: Mit ph.d.-projekt gik ud på at finde den optimale planlægningsdosisfordeling for MR-vejledte og online-adapterede strålebehandlinger.

Læs mere om Isaks ph.d.-projekt.

UK: The main purpose of my project was to find the optimal planning dose distribution for MR-guided and online-adapted radiotherapy treatments. 

Read about Isak's PhD projekt.

  • Isak Wahlstedt, Nicolaus Andratschke, Claus P Behrens, Stefanie Ehrbar, Hubert S Gabryś, Helena Garcia Schüler, Matthias Guckenberger, Abraham George Smith, Stephanie Tanadini-Lang, José D Tascón-Vidarte , Ivan R Vogelius, Janita E van Timmeren 2 Gating has a negligible impact on dose delivered in MRI-guided online adaptive radiotherapy of prostate cancer Radiother Oncol. 2022 May;170:205-212 2022
  • Isak Wahlstedt, Abraham George Smith, Claus Erik Andersen, Claus Preibisch Behrens, Susanne Nørring Bekke, Kristian Boye, Mette van Overeem Felter, Mirjana Josipovic, Jens Petersen, Signe Lenora Risumlund, José David Tascón-Vidarte, Janita Elizabeth van Timmeren, Ivan Richter Vogelius Interfractional dose accumulation for MR-guided liver SBRT: Variation among algorithms is highly patient- and fraction-dependent Radiotherapy and Oncology 2022