Stine Korreman

Professor Danish Centre for Particle Therapy, Aarhus University Hospital

DK: Forskning i data-drevet beslutningsstøtte i foton- or protonterapi. Robust optimering i protonterapi - fokus på anatomiske variationer. 

UK: Research in data driven decision support in photon and proton therapy. Robust optimization for proton therapy - focus on anatomical variations.

Arbejdsgrupper Publikationer
  • Sharma MB, Jensen K, Friborg J, Smulders B, Andersen E, Samsøe E, Johansen J, Hansen CR, Andersen M, Nielsen MS, Filtenborg MV, Ren J, Korreman SS, Overgaard J, Grau C Target coverage and local recurrences after radiotherapy for sinonasal cancer in Denmark 2008-2015. A DAHANCA study Acta Oncol . 2022 Feb;61(2):120-126 2022
  • R Argota-Perez, M B Sharma, U V Elstrøm, D S Møller, C Grau, K Jensen, A I S Holm, S S Korreman Dose and robustness comparison of nominal, daily and accumulated doses for photon and proton treatment of sinonasal cancer Radiother Oncol. 2022 Aug;173:102-108 2022
  • Stine Sofia Korreman, Ivan Richter Vogelius, Ahmed Jibril Abdi, Søren Baarsgaard Hansen, Claus Preibisch Behrens Novel technologies in radiotherapy in the Nordic countries - report from the NACP2020/21 conference Acta Oncol. 2021 Nov;60(11):1383-1385 2021
  • Sharma MB, Argota Perez R, Holm AIS, Korreman SS, Jensen K, Elstrøm UV, Grau C. Air variability in maxillary sinus during radiotherapy for sinonasal carcinoma Clin Transl Radiat Oncol. 2021 Jan 1;27:36-43. 2021
  • Kaplan LP, Korreman SS A systematically compiled set of quantitative metrics to describe spatial characteristics of radiotherapy dose distributions and aid in treatment planning Phys Med . 2021 Oct;90:164-175 2021
  • Ren J, Eriksen JG, Nijkamp J, Korreman SS Comparing different CT, PET and MRI multi-modality image combinations for deep learning-based head and neck tumor segmentation Acta Oncol . 2021 Nov;60(11):1399-1406 2021
  • Argota-Perez R, Robbins J, Green A, Herk MV, Korreman S, Vásquez-Osorio E Evaluating principal component analysis models for representing anatomical changes in head and neck radiotherapy Phys Imaging Radiat Oncol . 2022 Apr 13;22:13-19 2022
  • Korreman S, Eriksen JG, Grau C. The changing role of radiation oncology professionals in a world of AI - Just jobs lost - Or a solution to the under-provision of radiotherapy? Clin Transl Radiat Oncol. 2020 Sep 17;26:104-107 2021
  • Berger T, Fokdal LU, Assenholt MS, Jensen NBK, Petersen JBB, Nyvang L, Korreman S, Lindegaard JC, Tanderup K Robustness of elective lymph node target coverage with shrinking Planning Target Volume margins in external beam radiotherapy of locally advanced cervical cancer. Phys Imaging Radiat Oncol. 2019 Jun 26;11:9-15 2019
  • Unkelbach J, Bortfeld T, Cardenas CE, Gregoire V, Hager W, Heijmen B, Jeraj R, Korreman SS, Ludwig R, Pouymayou B, Shusharina N, Söderberg J, Toma-Dasu I, Troost EGC, Vasquez Osorio E The role of computational methods for automating and improving clinical target volume definition. Radiother Oncol. 2020 Dec;153:15-25 2020
  • Garibaldi C, Essers M, Heijmen B, Bertholet J, Koutsouveli E, Schwarz M, Bert C, Bodale M, Casares-Magaz O, Gerskevitch E, Koniarova I, Korreman S, Lisbona A, Lopez Medina A, Maas A, Moeckli R, Moore M, Petrovic B, Piotrowski T, Poli E, Prezado Y, Reynaert N, Redalen KR, Stylianou Markidou E, Verellen D, Jornet N, Clark CH The 3rd ESTRO-EFOMP core curriculum for medical physics experts in radiotherapy Radiother Oncol. 2022 May;170:89-94 2022