DK: Mit primære fokusområde er behandlingsplanlægning af stråleterapi samt behandling af bevægelser i stereotaktisk stråleterapi for kroppen.
UK: My primary research fields are treatment planning for radiotherapy and motion management in stereotactic body radiotherapy.
Arbejdsgrupper- WP4 - Adaptive Radiation Therapy
- IP8 - Liver and gall bladder
- IP15 - Oligometastatic disease
- WP8 - Reirradiation
- Uniform versus non-uniform dose prescription for proton stereotactic body radiotherapy of liver tumors investigated by extensive motion-including treatment simulations Phys Med Biol . 2021 Oct 12;66(20) 2021
- Real-time dose-guidance in radiotherapy: Proof of principle Radiother Oncol . 2021 Nov;164:175-182 2021
- First online real-time evaluation of motion-induced 4D dose errors during radiotherapy delivery. Med Phys 2018: 45; 3893-3903. 2018
- Simulated multileaf collimator tracking for stereotactic liver radiotherapy guided by kilovoltage intrafraction monitoring: Dosimetric gain and target overdose trends Radiother Oncol 2020: 144; 93-100 2020
- Fully automated detection of heart irradiation in cine MV images acquired during breast cancer radiotherapy Radiother Oncol 2020: 152; 189-190 2020
- Geometric and dosimetric comparison of four intrafraction motion adaptation strategies for stereotactic liver radiotherapy Phys Med Biol 2018: 63; 145010 2018
- Isotoxic dose prescription level strategies for stereotactic liver radiotherapy: the price of dose uniformity Acta Oncol 2020: 59: 558-64 2020
- Simulated real-time dose reconstruction for moving tumors in stereotactic liver radiotherapy. Med Phys 2019: 46; 4738-4748. 2019
- A Prospective Cohort Study of Gated Stereotactic Liver Radiation Therapy Using Continuous Internal Electromagnetic Motion Monitoring. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2018 Jun 1;101(2):366-375 2018
- Intra-fractional stability of deep inspiration breath hold during rt for lung and lymphoma cancer. Radiotherapy and Oncology Volume 133, Supplement 1, April 2019, Pages S531-S532 2019
- Validation of fast motion-including dose reconstruction for proton scanning therapy in the liver. Phys Med Biol. 63(22):225021 2018
- First clinical real-time motion-including tumor dose reconstruction during radiotherapy delivery. Radiother Oncol. 2019 Oct;139:66-71. 2019
- Automatic online and real-time tumour motion monitoring during stereotactic liver treatments on a conventional linac by combined optical and sparse monoscopic imaging with kilovoltage x-rays (COSMIK). Phys Med Biol. 63(5); pp. 055012 2018
- Radionecrosis and cellular changes in small volume stereotactic brain radiosurgery in a porcine model Sci Rep. 2020 Oct 1;10(1):16223 2020
- Study protocol of the LARK (TROG 17.03) clinical trial: a phase II trial investigating the dosimetric impact of Liver Ablative Radiotherapy using Kilovoltage intrafraction monitoring BMC Cancer. 2021 May 3;21(1):494 2021
- Survival and morbidity following stereotactic radiotherapy of hepatocellular carcinoma: a ten-year, single institution experience Scand J Gastroenterol. 2021 Mar;56(3):259-265 2021
- Non-ablative doses of focal ionizing radiation alters function of central neural circuits Brain Stimul. 2022 May-Jun;15(3):586-597 2022
- Clinical outcomes after stereotactic ablative radiotherapy in locally advanced cholangiocarcinoma Acta Oncol. 2022 Feb;61(2):197-201 2022
- Accuracy and potential improvements of surface-guided breast cancer radiotherapy in deep inspiration breath-hold with daily image-guidance Phys Med Biol. 2022 Sep 26;67(19) 2022