Marianne Sanggaard Assenholt

Hospitalsfysiker Medical Physics, Aarhus University Hospital

DK: Ekstern strålebehandling til livmoderhalskræft.

UK: External radiotherapy of cervix cancer.

Arbejdsgrupper Publikationer
  • Tan LT, Tanderup K, Kirisits C, Mahantshetty U, Swamidas J, Jürgenliemk-Schulz I, Lindegaard J, de Leeuw A, Nesvacil N, Assenholt M, Berger D, Diendorfer T, Dimopoulos J, Duke S, Ecker S, Fokdal L, Hellebust T, Jensen N, Kirchheiner K, Nout R, Petric P, Schmid M, Seppenwoolde Y, Sturdza A, Van Limbergen E, Haie-Meder C, Pötter R Education and training for image-guided adaptive brachytherapy for cervix cancer-The (GEC)-ESTRO/EMBRACE perspective Brachytherapy . Nov-Dec 2020;19(6):827-836. 2020