DK: Reel tids bevægelse-inklusive dosisrekonstruktion: Udvikling og klinisk anvendelse af vores interne udviklede software, DoseTracker, for reel tids bevægelse-inklusive dosisrekonstruktion. Vi har med succes gennemført en verdens første reel tids bevægelse-inklusive dosisrekonstruktion studie for lever tumorer og har planlagt et prostata studie med samarbejdspartnere i Sydney.
UK: Real-time motion-including dose reconstruction: Development and clinical deployment of our in-house developed software, DoseTracker, for real-time motion-including dose reconstruction. We have successfully carried out a world first real-time motion-including dose reconstruction study for liver tumors and have planned a prostate study with collaborators in Sydney.
Arbejdsgrupper Publikationer- Real-time dose-guidance in radiotherapy: Proof of principle Radiother Oncol . 2021 Nov;164:175-182 2021
- Experimental investigation of dynamic real-time rotation-including dose reconstruction during prostate tracking radiotherapy Med Phys . 2022 Jun;49(6):3574-3584 2022
- First online real-time evaluation of motion-induced 4D dose errors during radiotherapy delivery. Med Phys 2018: 45; 3893-3903. 2018
- Dose reconstruction including dynamic six-degree of freedom motion during prostate radiotherapy. J Phys Conf Ser 2019: 1305; 012053. 2019
- Six degrees of freedom dynamic motion-including dose reconstruction in a commercial treatment planning system Med Phys. 2021 Jan 8. 2021
- Dosimetric impact of intrafraction prostate rotation and accuracy of gating, multi-leaf collimator tracking and couch tracking to manage rotation: An end-to-end validation using volumetric film measurements Radiother Oncol. 2020 Nov 29;156:10-18. 2020
- Simulated real-time dose reconstruction for moving tumors in stereotactic liver radiotherapy. Med Phys 2019: 46; 4738-4748. 2019
- Validation of fast motion-including dose reconstruction for proton scanning therapy in the liver. Phys Med Biol. 63(22):225021 2018
- First clinical real-time motion-including tumor dose reconstruction during radiotherapy delivery. Radiother Oncol. 2019 Oct;139:66-71. 2019
- The dosimetric error due to uncorrected tumor rotation during real-time adaptive prostate stereotactic body radiation therapy Med Phys. 2022 Nov 10 2022