Ongoing and future clinical trials in particle therapy in the Nordic countries

Authors Witt Nyström P, Bratland Å, Minn H, Grau C
Source Acta Oncol. 2020 Oct;59(10):1145-1150 Publicationdate 16 Jul 2020

In the Nordic countries, as in the rest of the world, particle therapy as a radiotherapy modality, is evolving, albeit the hard evidence for the clinical benefit still is scarce. However, a common goal for the Nordic countries is to include a minimum of 80% of the patients treated with particle therapy into clinical trials. In this paper, we summarize the current status of clinical trials involving particle therapy in the Nordic countries, with an overview of both active and coming trials. So far, one is closed for inclusion and data are being analyzed, seven trials are actively recruiting patients and several more trials are underway. No common Nordic trial has yet been designed, nor is in the planning phase, and the authors will discuss the obstacles as well as the opportunities a common Nordic platform may represent.