The steering committee

DCCC Radiotherapy has a steering committee consisting of one representative from each of the participating departments and one patient representative. The steering committee exists to ensure wide management, scientific, and clinical foundations for the activities of this centre in each of the participating departments and institutions. The presidency within the steering committee will change between the largest of the participating departments and last for 1 year at a time. 3-4 times a year the steering committee meets with the center management.

Steering committee members:

  1. Ivan Vogelius, Head of Medical Physics, Professor, Dept. of OncologyRigshospitalet, Copenhagen (chair in 2018).
  2. Claus BehrensLead Senior Scientist, Dept. of Oncology, Herlev & Gentofte Hospital, Herlev (chair in 2019).
  3. Faisal Mahmood, Professor, Research unit of Oncology, Odense University Hospital - University of Southern Denmark (former steering committee member Carsten Brink was chair in 2020)
  4. Jimmi Søndergaard, PhD, Consultant, Dept. of Oncology - Radiotherapy, Aalborg University Hospital, Aalborg
  5. Morten Høyer, Professor, Clincal Manager, MD, The Danish Centre for Particle Therapy, Aarhus.
  6. Jens Overgaard, Professor, Dept. of Experimental Clinical Oncology, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus.
  7. Claus Andersen, section leader, DTU Health Tech, Roskilde.
  8. Martin Berg, Head of clinical Medical Physics, Dept. of Onoclogy, Medical Physics, Sygehus Lillebælt, Vejle Sygehus, Vejle.
  9. Susanne Hvass Aalders, Patient representative (resigned by the end of the grant term)