Ditte Sloth Møller

Head of Medical Physics, PhD Department of Oncology, Aarhus University Hospital dittmoel@rm.dk
Research interests

DK: Behandlinger af lunge- og spiserørskræft: *Adaptiv stråleterapi (Implementation, Kvalitetssikring, Normalvævs toksicitet) * Normalvævs modeller komplikationer og tumor kontrol sandsynlighed * Dosis regulering * Proton behandling for lungekræft patienter * Dyb inspiration til at holde vejret under stråleterapi * Optimering af stråleterapi til at tage de funktionelle parter af lungen i betragtning. 

UK: Treatment of lung and esophageal cancer: *Adaptive radiotherapy (Implementation, Quality assurance, Normal tissue toxicity) * Modeling of normal tissue complications and tumor control probability * Dose escalation * Proton treatment for lung cancer patients * Deep inspiration breath hold during radiotherapy * Optimization of radiotherapy to take the functional part of the lung into account

Workgroups Publications
  • Møller DS, Poulsen PR, Hagner A, Dufour M, Nordsmark M, Nyeng TB, Mortensen HR, Lutz CM, Hoffmann L Strategies for Motion Robust Proton Therapy With Pencil Beam Scanning for Esophageal Cancer Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys . 2021 Oct 1;111(2):539-548 2021
  • R Argota-Perez, M B Sharma, U V Elstrøm, D S Møller, C Grau, K Jensen, A I S Holm, S S Korreman Dose and robustness comparison of nominal, daily and accumulated doses for photon and proton treatment of sinonasal cancer Radiother Oncol. 2022 Aug;173:102-108 2022
  • D. Sloth Møller, M.L. Schmidt, T. Ravkilde, P.R. Poulsen, J. Hansen, E.S. Worm, H.H. Schmidt, M.M. Knap, A. Safwat, H.K. Rose, L. Hoffmann Intra-fractional stability of deep inspiration breath hold during rt for lung and lymphoma cancer. Radiotherapy and Oncology Volume 133, Supplement 1, April 2019, Pages S531-S532 2019
  • Møller DS, Alber M, Nordsmark M, Nyeng TB, Lutz CM, Hoffmann L Validation of a robust strategy for proton spot scanning for oesophageal cancer in the presence of anatomical changes. Radiother Oncol. pp. 131:174-178 2019
  • Schmidt ML, Hoffmann L, Møller DS, Knap MM, Rasmussen TR, Folkersen BH, Poulsen PR. Systematic intrafraction shifts of mediastinal lymph node targets between setup imaging and radiation treatment delivery in lung cancer patients. Radiother Oncol. 126 (2), pp. 318-324. 2018
  • Shamshad M, Møller DS, Mortensen HR, Ehmsen ML, Jensen MF, Hoffmann L Bone versus soft-tissue setup in proton therapy for patients with oesophageal cancer Acta Oncol . 2022 Jul 1;1-10 2022
  • Hoffmann L, Mortensen H, Shamshad M, Berbee M, Bizzocchi N, Bütof R, Canters R, Defraene G, Ehmsen ML, Fiorini F, Haustermans K, Hulley R, Korevaar EW, Clarke M, Makocki S, Muijs CT, Murray L, Nicholas O, Nordsmark M, Radhakrishna G, Thomas M, Troost EGC, Vilches-Freixas G, Visser S, Weber DC, Møller DS Treatment planning comparison in the PROTECT-trial randomising proton versus photon beam therapy in oesophageal cancer: Results from eight European centres Radiother Oncol . 2022 Jul;172:32-41 2022
  • Hoffmann L, Persson GF, Nygård L, Nielsen TB, Borrisova S, Gaard-Petersen F, Josipovic M, Khalil AA, Kjeldsen R, Knap MM, Kristiansen C, Møller DS, Ottosson W, Sand H, Thing R, Pøhl M, Schytte T Thorough design and pre-trial quality assurance (QA) decrease dosimetric impact of delineation and dose planning variability in the STRICTLUNG and STARLUNG trials for stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) of central and ultra-central lung tumours Radiother Oncol . 2022 Jun;171:53-61 2022
  • Farr KP, Khalil AA, Møller DS, Bluhme H, Kramer S, Morsing A, Grau C. Time and dose-related changes in lung perfusion after definitive radiotherapy for NSCLC Radiother Oncol. 2018 Feb;126(2):307-311 2018
  • Hoffmann L, Knap MM, Khalil AA, Lutz CM, Sloth Møller D. The NARLAL2 dose escalation trial: dosimetric implications of inter-fractional changes in organs at risk Acta Oncol. 2018 Apr;57(4):473-479 2018
  • Jensen MF, Hoffmann L, Petersen JBB, Møller DS, Alber M Energy layer optimization strategies for intensity-modulated proton therapy of lung cancer patients Med Phys. 2018 Oct;45(10):4355-4363 2018
  • Kandi M, Hoffmann L, Sloth Moeller D, Schmidt HH, Knap MM, Khalil AA. Local failure after radical radiotherapy of non-small cell lung cancer in relation to the planning FDG-PET/CT Acta Oncol. 2018 Jun;57(6):813-819 2018
  • Kaplan LP, Elstrøm UV, Møller DS, Hoffmann L. Cone beam CT based dose calculation in the thorax region Phys Imaging Radiat Oncol. 2018 Sep 28;7:45-50 2018
  • de Jong EEC, Guckenberger M, Andratschke N, Dieckmann K, Hoogeman MS, Milder M, Møller DS, Nyeng TB, Tanadini-Lang S, Lartigau E, Lacornerie T, Senan S, Verbakel W, Verellen D, De Kerf G, Hurkmans C. Variation in current prescription practice of stereotactic body radiotherapy for peripherally located early stage non-small cell lung cancer: Recommendations for prescribing and recording according to the ACROP guideline and ICRU report 91 Radiother Oncol. 2020 Jan;142:217-223 2020
  • Lutz CM, Knap MM, Hoffmann L, Møller DS, Hansen O, Brink C, Schytte T, Nyhus CH, McCulloch T, Borissova S, Alber M, Khalil AA Prospectively scored pulmonary toxicities in non-small cell lung cancer: Results from a randomized phase II dose escalation trial Clin Transl Radiat Oncol. 2020 Nov 26;27:8-14 2020
  • Hoffmann L, Knap MM, Alber M, Møller DS Optimal beam angle selection and knowledge-based planning significantly reduces radiotherapy dose to organs at risk for lung cancer patients. Acta Oncol. 2021 Mar;60(3):293-299 2021
  • Holm AIS, Nyeng TB, S Møller D, Assenholt MS, Hansen R, Nyvang L, Ravkilde T, Thomsen MS, Hoffmann L. Density calibrated cone beam CT as a tool for adaptive radiotherapy. Acta Oncol. 2021 Oct;60(10):1275-1282. 2021
  • Khalil AA, Hau E, Gebski V, Grau C, Gee H, Nyeng TB, West K, Kramer S, Farlow D, Knap M, Møller DS, Hoffmann L, Farr KP. Personal innovative approach in radiation therapy of lung cancer- functional lung avoidance SPECT-guided (ASPECT) radiation therapy: a study protocol for phase II randomised double-blind clinical trial BMC Cancer. 2021 Aug 21;21(1):940 2021
  • 'Khalil AA, Knap MM, Møller DS, Nyeng TB, Kjeldsen R, Hoffmann L. Local control after stereotactic body radiotherapy of centrally located lung tumours Acta Oncol. 2021 Aug;60(8):1069-1073 2021
  • Lindberg K, Grozman V, Karlsson K, Lindberg S, Lax I, Wersäll P, Persson GF, Josipovic M, Khalil AA, Moeller DS, Nyman J, Drugge N, Bergström P, Olofsson J, Rogg LV, Ramberg C, Kristiansen C, Jeppesen SS, Nielsen TB, Lödén B, Rosenbrand HO, Engelholm S, Haraldsson A, Billiet C, Lewensohn R The HILUS-Trial-a Prospective Nordic Multicenter Phase 2 Study of Ultracentral Lung Tumors Treated With Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy J Thorac Oncol. 2021 Jul;16(7):1200-1210 2021
  • Nyeng TB, Møller DS, Farr K, Kramer S, Khalil AA, Grau C, Hoffmann L A comparison of two methods for segmentation of functional volumes in radiotherapy planning of lung cancer patients Acta Oncol. 2021 Mar;60(3):353-360 2021
  • Thomas M, Mortensen HR, Hoffmann L, Møller DS, Troost EGC, Muijs CT, Berbee M, Bütof R, Nicholas O, Radhakrishna G, Defraene G, Nafteux P, Nordsmark M, Haustermans K. Proposal for the delineation of neoadjuvant target volumes in oesophageal cancer. Radiother Oncol. 2021 Mar;156:102-112 2021
  • Astrup Søndergaard MM, Nordsmark M, Sloth Møller D, Melgaard Nielsen K, Poulsen SH Reduction in myocardial function and oxygen consumption after chemoradiotherapy in patients with esophageal cancer Acta Oncol. 2022 May;61(5):566-574 2022
  • Møller DS, Lutz CM, Khalil AA, Alber M, Holt MI, Kandi M, Schmidt HH, Tvilum M, Appelt A, Knap MM, Hoffmann L Survival benefits for non-small cell lung cancer patients treated with adaptive radiotherapy Radiother Oncol. 2022 Mar;168:234-240 2022