Systematic intrafraction shifts of mediastinal lymph node targets between setup imaging and radiation treatment delivery in lung cancer patients.
Internal target motion results in geometrical uncertainties in lung cancer radiotherapy. In this study, we determined the intrafraction motion and baseline shifts of mediastinal lymph node (LN) targets between setup imaging and treatment delivery.
Ten lung cancer patients with 2-4 fiducial markers implanted in LN targets received intensity-modulated radiotherapy with a daily setup cone-beam CT (CBCT) scan used for online soft-tissue match on the primary tumor. At a total of 122 fractions, 5 Hz fluoroscopic kV images were acquired orthogonal to the MV treatment beam during treatment delivery. Offline, the 3D trajectory of the markers was determined from their projected trajectory in the CBCT projections and in the intra-treatment kV images. Baseline shifts and changes in the respiratory motion amplitude between CBCT and treatment delivery were determined from the 3D trajectories.
Systematic mean LN baseline shifts of 2.2 mm in the cranial direction (standard deviation (SD): 1.8 mm) and 1.0 mm in the posterior direction (SD: 1.2 mm) occurred between CBCT imaging and treatment delivery. The mean motion amplitudes during CBCT and treatment delivery agreed within 0.2 mm in all directions.
Systematic cranial and posterior intrafraction baseline shifts between CBCT and treatment delivery were observed for mediastinal LN targets. Intrafraction motion amplitudes were stable.