DK: Klinisk forskning indenfor lungekræft.
UK: Clinical research in lung cancer.
Workgroups Publications- Intra-fractional stability of deep inspiration breath hold during rt for lung and lymphoma cancer. Radiotherapy and Oncology Volume 133, Supplement 1, April 2019, Pages S531-S532 2019
- Systematic intrafraction shifts of mediastinal lymph node targets between setup imaging and radiation treatment delivery in lung cancer patients. Radiother Oncol. 126 (2), pp. 318-324. 2018
- Thorough design and pre-trial quality assurance (QA) decrease dosimetric impact of delineation and dose planning variability in the STRICTLUNG and STARLUNG trials for stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) of central and ultra-central lung tumours Radiother Oncol . 2022 Jun;171:53-61 2022
- Local failure after radical radiotherapy of non-small cell lung cancer in relation to the planning FDG-PET/CT Acta Oncol. 2018 Jun;57(6):813-819 2018