Uffe Bernchou
Lektor i Medicinsk Fysik Department of Oncology, Odense University Hospital uffe.bernchou@rsyd.dkDK: Min forskning fokuserer primært på at forbedre strålebehandling af kræftpatienter ved hjælp af en billedbaseret tilgang. Især forudsigelse af bivirkninger ved strålebehandling gennem avanceret billedanalyse og statistisk modellering har været en vigtig drivkraft for mig. Mine interesser ligger inden for dosisplanlægning, statistisk modellering og kvantitativ billedanalyse, herunder udvikling og klinisk brug af deform billedregistrering, cone beam CT og magnetisk resonans billeder.
UK: My research focuses primarily on image-based improvement of radiotherapy. In particular the prediction of side effects after radiotherapy by using advanced image-analysis and statistical modelling. I am interested in dose planning, statistical modelling and quantitative image-analysis, including development and clinical implementation of deformable image registration, cone beam CT and MRI.
Workgroups- WP4 - Adaptive Radiation Therapy
- WP5 - AI and automation
- IP8 - Liver and gall bladder
- IP9 - Pancreas
- End-to-end validation of the geometric dose delivery performance of MR linac adaptive radiotherapy Phys Med Biol . 2021 Feb 12;66(4):045034 2021
- Accuracy of automatic structure propagation for daily magnetic resonance image-guided head and neck radiotherapy Acta Oncol . 2021 May;60(5):589-597 2021
- Online adaptive radiotherapy potentially reduces toxicity for high-risk prostate cancer treatment Radiother Oncol . 2022 Feb;167:165-171 2022
- Plan quality in radiotherapy treatment planning - Review of the factors and challenges J Med Imaging Radiat Oncol . 2022 Mar;66(2):267-278 2022
- Causal relation between heart irradiation and survival of lung cancer patients after radiotherapy Radiother Oncol . 2022 Jul;172:126-133 2022
- Plan quality for high-risk prostate cancer treated with high field magnetic resonance imaging guided radiotherapy. Physics and Imaging in Radiation Oncology, 7, 1-8. 2018
- First clinical experiences with a high field 1.5 T MR linac. Acta Oncol. 2019 Oct;58(10):1352-1357. 2019
- Evolution of the gross tumour volume extent during radiotherapy for glioblastomas Radiother Oncol. 2021 Jul;160:40-46 2021
- Tumor-site specific geometric distortions in high field integrated magnetic resonance linear accelerator radiotherapy Phys Imaging Radiat Oncol . 2020 Aug 19;15:100-104 2020