Christian Rønn Hansen

Radiofysisk Laboratorium & DCPT Oncology, Odense University Hospital
Research interests

DK: Forskningsinteresser ligger indenfor automatisk dosisplanlægning, matematiske modeller til forudsigelse af overlevelse og risici, indsamling og behandling af store datamængder. Primært indenfor hoved-halskræft, men også hjerne-, lunge- og bugspytkirtel-kræft.

UK: Interests of research areas include automatic dose planning, mathematic models to prediction of survival and risks, collection and treatment of a large amount of data. Primarily within head and neck cancer, but also brain-, lung- and pancreas cancer. 

Workgroups Publications
  • Bernchou U, Christiansen RL, Bertelsen A, Tilly D, Riis HL, Jensen HR, Mahmood F, Hansen CR, Hansen VN, Schytte T, Brink C End-to-end validation of the geometric dose delivery performance of MR linac adaptive radiotherapy Phys Med Biol . 2021 Feb 12;66(4):045034 2021
  • Christiansen RL, Johansen J, Zukauskaite R, Hansen CR, Bertelsen AS, Hansen O, Mahmood F, Brink C, Bernchou U Accuracy of automatic structure propagation for daily magnetic resonance image-guided head and neck radiotherapy Acta Oncol . 2021 May;60(5):589-597 2021
  • Lorenzen EL, Kallehauge JF, Byskov CS, Dahlrot RH, Haslund CA, Guldberg TL, Lassen-Ramshad Y, Lukacova S, Muhic A, Witt Nyström P, Haldbo-Classen L, Bahij I, Larsen L, Weber B, Hansen CR A national study on the inter-observer variability in the delineation of organs at risk in the brain Acta Oncol . 2021 Nov;60(11):1548-1554 2021
  • Lassen P, Huang SH, Su J, Waldron J, Andersen M, Primdahl H, Johansen J, Kristensen CA, Andersen E, Eriksen JG, Hansen CR, Alsner J, Lilja-Fisher J, Bratman SV, Ringash J, Kim J, Hope A, Spreafico A, de Almeida J, Xu W, O'Sullivan B, Overgaard J Treatment outcomes and survival following definitive (chemo)radiotherapy in HPV-positive oropharynx cancer: Large-scale comparison of DAHANCA vs PMH cohorts Int J Cancer . 2022 Apr 15;150(8):1329-1340 2022
  • Byskov CS, Hansen CR, Dahlrot RH, Haldbo-Classen L, Haslund CA, Kjær-Kristoffersen F, Kristensen TO, Lassen-Ramshad Y, Lukacova S, Muhic A, Nyström PW, Weber B, Kallehauge JF Treatment plan comparison of proton vs photon radiotherapy for lower-grade gliomas Phys Imaging Radiat Oncol . 2021 Nov 28;20:98-104 2021
  • Christiansen RL, Dysager L, Hansen CR, Jensen HR, Schytte T, Nyborg CJ, Bertelsen AS, Agergaard SN, Mahmood F, Hansen S, Hansen O, Brink C, Bernchou U Online adaptive radiotherapy potentially reduces toxicity for high-risk prostate cancer treatment Radiother Oncol . 2022 Feb;167:165-171 2022
  • Hansen CR, Hussein M, Bernchou U, Zukauskaite R, Thwaites D Plan quality in radiotherapy treatment planning - Review of the factors and challenges J Med Imaging Radiat Oncol . 2022 Mar;66(2):267-278 2022
  • Brink C, Bernchou U, Bertelsen A, Hansen O, Schytte T, Hjelmborg JVB, Holloway L, van Herk M, Johnson-Hart C, Price GJ, Aznar MC, McWilliam A, Faivre-Finn C, Hansen CR Causal relation between heart irradiation and survival of lung cancer patients after radiotherapy Radiother Oncol . 2022 Jul;172:126-133 2022
  • Kaplan LP, Placidi L, Bäck A, Canters R, Hussein M, Vaniqui A, Fusella M, Piotrowski T, Hernandez V, Jornet N, Hansen CR, Widesott L Plan quality assessment in clinical practice: Results of the 2020 ESTRO survey on plan complexity and robustness Radiother Oncol . 2022 Aug;173:254-261 2022
  • Kristensen MH, Hansen CR, Zukauskaite R, Johansen J, Samsøe E, Maare C, Holm AIS, Eriksen JG Co-registration of radiotherapy planning and recurrence scans with different imaging modalities in head and neck cancer Phys Imaging Radiat Oncol . 2022 Jun 30;23:80-84 2022
  • Hansen CR, Price G, Field M, Sarup N, Zukauskaite R, Johansen J, Eriksen JG, Aly F, McPartlin A, Holloway Open-source distributed learning validation for a larynx cancer survival model following radiotherapy Radiother Oncol. 2022 Aug;173:319-326 2022
  • Jensen K, Al-Farra G, Dejanovic D, Eriksen JG, Loft A, Hansen CR, Pameijer FA, Zukauskaite R, Grau C. Imaging for Target Delineation in Head and Neck Cancer Radiotherapy Semin Nucl Med. 2021 Jan;51(1):59-67. 2021
  • Hansen CR, Crijns W, Hussein M, Rossi L, Gallego P, Verbakel W, Unkelbach J, Thwaites D, Heijmen B Radiotherapy Treatment plannINg study Guidelines (RATING): A framework for setting up and reporting on scientific treatment planning studies Radiother Oncol . 2020 Dec;153:67-78 2020
  • Hernandez V, Hansen CR, Widesott L, Bäck A, Canters R, Fusella M, Götstedt J, Jurado-Bruggeman D, Mukumoto N, Kaplan LP, Koniarová I, Piotrowski T, Placidi L, Vaniqui A, Jornet N What is plan quality in radiotherapy? The importance of evaluating dose metrics, complexity, and robustness of treatment plans Radiother Oncol . 2020 Dec;153:26-33 2020
  • Christiansen RL, Gornitzka J, Andersen P, Nielsen M, Johnsen L, Bertelsen A, Zukauskaite R, Johansen J, Hansen CR Awareness and surveillance of radiation treatment schedules reduces head and neck overall treatment time Tech Innov Patient Support Radiat Oncol. 2019 Feb 23;9:26-30 2019
  • Hansen CR, Bertelsen A, Zukauskaite R, Johnsen L, Bernchou U, Thwaites DI, Eriksen JG, Johansen J, Brink C Prediction of radiation-induced mucositis of H&N cancer patients based on a large patient cohort Radiother Oncol. 2020 Jun;147:15-21. 2020
  • Jensen K, Friborg J, Hansen CR, Samsøe E, Johansen J, Andersen M, Smulders B, Andersen E, Nielsen MS, Eriksen JG, Petersen JBB, Elstrøm UV, Holm AI, Farhadi M, Morthorst MH, Skyt PS, Overgaard J, Grau C The danish head and neck cancer group (DAHANCA) 2020 radiotherapy guidelines. Radiother Oncol. 2020 Aug 8;151:149-151. 2020
  • Saksø M, Mortensen LS, Primdahl H, Johansen J, Kallehauge J, Hansen CR, Overgaard J Influence of FAZA PET hypoxia and HPV-status for the outcome of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) treated with radiotherapy: Long-term results from the DAHANCA 24 trial (NCT01017224). Radiother Oncol. 2020 Aug 14;151:126-133. 2020
  • Milo MLH, Offersen BV, Bechmann T, Diederichsen ACP, Hansen CR, Holtved E, Josipovic M, Lörincz T, Maraldo MV, Nielsen MH, Nordsmark M, Nyström PW, Pøhl M, Rose HK, Schytte T, Yates ES, Lorenzen EL Delineation of whole heart and substructures in thoracic radiation therapy: National guidelines and contouring atlas by the Danish Multidisciplinary Cancer Groups. Radiother Oncol . 2020 Jun 13;150:121-127. 2020
  • Andreassen CN, Eriksen JG, Jensen K, Hansen CR, Sørensen BS, Lassen P, Alsner J, Schack LMH, Overgaard J, Grau C. IMRT - Biomarkers for dose escalation, dose de-escalation and personalized medicine in radiotherapy for head and neck cancer. Oral Oncol. 2018 Nov;86:91-99. 2018
  • Roach D, Wortel G, Ochoa C, Jensen HR, Damen E, Vial P, Janssen T, Hansen CR. Adapting automated treatment planning configurations across international centres for prostate radiotherapy. Physics and Imaging in Radiation Oncology, 10, 7-13. 2019
  • Christiansen RL, Hansen CR, Dahlrot RH, Bertelsen A, Hansen O, Brink C, Bernchou U. Plan quality for high-risk prostate cancer treated with high field magnetic resonance imaging guided radiotherapy. Physics and Imaging in Radiation Oncology, 7, 1-8. 2018
  • Zukauskaite R, Hansen CR, Grau C, Samsøe E, Johansen J, Petersen JBB, Andersen E, Brink C, Overgaard J, Eriksen JG Local recurrences after curative IMRT for HNSCC: Effect of different GTV to high-dose CTV margins. Radiother Oncol. 2018 Jan;126(1):48-55. 2018
  • Pogson EM, Arumugam S, Hansen CR, Currie M, Blake SJ, Roberts N, Carolan M, Vial P, Alharthi T, Holloway L, Thwaites DI Comparison of multi-institutional pre-treatment verification for VMAT of nasopharynx with delivery errors. Phys Med. 2018 Sep;53:25-31. 2018
  • Jørgensen MG, Toyserkani NM, Hansen CR, Hvidsten S, Baun C, Hejbøl EK, Schrøder HD, Sørensen JA Quantification of Chronic Lymphedema in a Revised Mouse Model. Ann Plast Surg. 2018 Nov;81(5):594-603. 2018
  • Hansen CR, Friborg J, Jensen K, Samsøe E, Johnsen L, Zukauskaite R, Grau C, Maare C, Johansen J, Primdahl H, Bratland Å, Kristensen CA, Andersen M, Eriksen JG, Overgaard J NTCP model validation method for DAHANCA patient selection of protons versus photons in head and neck cancer radiotherapy. Acta Oncol. 2019 Oct;58(10):1410-1415. 2019
  • Aarup-Kristensen S, Hansen CR, Forner L, Brink C, Eriksen JG, Johansen J Osteoradionecrosis of the mandible after radiotherapy for head and neck cancer: risk factors and dose-volume correlations. Acta Oncol. 2019 Oct;58(10):1373-1377. 2019
  • Kaae JK, Johnsen L, Hansen CR, Kristensen MH, Brink C, Eriksen JG Relationship between patient and physician-rated xerostomia and dose distribution to the oral cavity and salivary glands for head and neck cancer patients after radiotherapy. Acta Oncol. 2019 Oct;58(10):1366-1372. 2019
  • Zukauskaite R, Rumley CN, Hansen CR, Jameson MG, Trada Y, Johansen J, Gyldenkerne N, Eriksen JG, Aly F, Christensen RL, Lee M, Brink C, Holloway L Delineation uncertainties of tumour volumes on MRI of head and neck cancer patients Clinical and Translational Radiation Oncology. September 2022, Pages 121-126 2022
  • Hansen CR, Johansen J, Samsøe E, Andersen E, Petersen JBB, Jensen K, Andersen LJ, Sand HMB, Bertelsen AS, Grau C Consequences of introducing geometric GTV to CTV margin expansion in DAHANCA contouring guidelines for head and neck radiotherapy Radiother Oncol. 2018 Jan;126(1):43-47 2018
  • Khorooshi R, Marczynska J, Dieu RS, Wais V, Hansen CR, Kavan S, Thomassen M, Burton M, Kruse T, Webster GA, Owens T Innate signaling within the central nervous system recruits protective neutrophils Acta Neuropathol Commun. 2020 Jan 8;8(1):2 2020
  • Saksø M, Jensen K, Andersen M, Hansen CR, Eriksen JG, Overgaard J. DAHANCA 28: A phase I/II feasibility study of hyperfractionated, accelerated radiotherapy with concomitant cisplatin and nimorazole (HART-CN) for patients with locally advanced, HPV/p16-negative squamous cell carcinoma of the oropharynx, hypopharynx, larynx and oral cavity Radiother Oncol. 2020 Jul;148:65-72 2020
  • Hansen CR, Crijns W, Hussein M, Rossi L, Gallego P, Verbakel W, Unkelbach J, Thwaites D, Heijmen B Response to the Letter to the Editor "Application of the RATING score: In regards to Hansen et al." Radiother Oncol. 2021 May;158:311 2021
  • Marcu LG, Abbott NL, Appelt A, Chauvie S, Gasnier A, Hansen CR, Koutsouveli E, Lisbona A, Melidis C, O'Doherty J. The role of medical physicists in clinical trials across Europe Phys Med. 2022 Aug;100:31-38 2022
  • Hansen CR, Price G, Field M, Sarup N, Zukauskaite R, Johansen J, Eriksen JG, Aly F, McPartlin A, Holloway L, Thwaites D, Brink C Larynx cancer survival model developed through open-source federated learning Radiother Oncol. 2022 Nov;176:179-186 2022
  • Bucan A, Wiinholt A, Dalaei F, Gerke O, Hansen CR, Sørensen JA Microcomputed tomography versus plethysmometer and electronic caliper in the measurements of lymphedema in the hindlimb of mice Sci Rep. 2022 Jul 18;12(1):12267 2022
  • Brink C, Hansen CR, Field M, Price G, Thwaites D, Sarup N, Bernchou U, Holloway L Distributed learning optimisation of Cox models can leak patient data: Risks and solutions arXiv:2204.05856 2020