Dose response of three-dimensional silicone-based radiochromic dosimeters for photon irradiation in the presence of a magnetic field.

Authors Jensen MB, Balling P, Doran SJ, Petersen JBB, Wahlstedt IH, Muren LP
Source Phys Imaging Radiat Oncol. 2020 Oct 19;16:81-84 Publicationdate 01 Jan 0001


The magnetic field in magnetic resonance imaging guided radiotherapy (MRgRT) delivery systems influences charged-particle trajectories and hence the three-dimensional (3D) radiation dose distributions. This study investigated the dose-response as well as dose-rate and fractionation dependencies of silicone-based 3D radiochromic dosimeters for photon irradiation in a magnetic field using a 0.35 T MRgRT system. We found a linear dose response up to 22.6 Gy and no significant dose-rate dependency as a function of depth. A difference in optical response was observed for dosimeters irradiated in a single compared to multiple fractions. The dosimeter showed clinical potential for verification of MRgRT delivery.