Aristei C, Kaidar-Person O, Tagliaferri L, Arenas M, Coles CE, Offersen BV, Frezza G, Leonardi MC, Valentini V, Bourgier C, Poortmans PMPThe Assisi Think Tank Meeting and Survey of post MAstectomy Radiation Therapy after breast reconstructionEur J Surg Oncol . 2018 Apr;44(4):436-443 2018
Martin Berg, Ebbe L Lorenzen, Ingelise Jensen, Mette S Thomsen, Christina Maria Lutz, Lasse Refsgaard, Henrik D Nissen , Birgitte V OffersenThe potential benefits from respiratory gating for breast cancer patients regarding target coverage and dose to organs at risk when applying strict dose limits to the heart: results from the DBCG HYPO trialActa Oncol. 2018 Jan;57(1):113-119 2018
Ejlertsen B, Offersen BV, Overgaard J, Christiansen P, Jensen MB, Kroman N, Knoop AS, Mouridsen HForty years of landmark trials undertaken by the Danish Breast Cancer Cooperative Group (DBCG) nationwide or in international collaborationActa Oncol. 2018 Jan;57(1):3-12 2018
Kirova YM, Carroll S, Fourquet A, Offersen B, Aristei C, Chen JYThe St Gallen International Expert Consensus on the Primary Therapy of Early Breast Cancer 2017: the point of view of an International Panel of Experts in Radiation Oncology.Ann Oncol. 2018 Jan 1;29(1):280-281 2018
Offersen BV, Ejlertsen B, Balslev E, Flyger H, Gerdes AM, Hansen MK, Hølmich LR, Jensen MB, Kristensen B, Laenkholm AV, Mouridsen HT, Nielsen MH, Overgaard J, Tuxen M, Vejborg I, Christiansen P.Is DBCG abreast of new developments? Acta Oncol. 2018 Jan;57(1):1-2. 2018
Begtrup KM, Hojbjerg JA, Offersen BV, Hvas AMAdjuvant radiotherapy does not affect hemostasis. Platelets. 2019;30(3):387-395 2019
Kaidar-Person O, Offersen BV, Poortmans PShould risk-adapted delineation considered de-escalation of therapy? The ESTRO-ACROP radiation therapy guidelines after implant-based immediate reconstruction for early stage breast cancerRadiother Oncol. 2019 Dec;141:327-328 2019
Montero-Luis A, Aristei C, Meattini I, Arenas M, Boersma L, Bourgier C, Coles C, Cutuli B, Falcinelli L, Kaidar-Person O, Leonardi MC, Offersen B, Marazzi F, Rivera S, Tagliaferri L, Tombolini V, Vidali C, Valentini V, Poortmans PThe Assisi Think Tank Meeting Survey of post-mastectomy radiation therapy in ductal carcinoma in situ: Suggestions for routine practiceCrit Rev Oncol Hematol. 2019 Jun;138:207-213 2019
Coles CE, Aristei C, Bliss J, Boersma L, Brunt AM, Chatterjee S, Hanna G, Jagsi R, Kaidar Person O, Kirby A, Mjaaland I, Meattini I, Luis AM, Marta GN, Offersen B, Poortmans P, Rivera SInternational Guidelines on Radiation Therapy for Breast Cancer During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Clin Oncol (R Coll Radiol). 2020 May;32(5):279-281 2020
Kaidar-Person O, Poortmans P, Offersen BV, Siesling S, Sklair-Levy M, Meattini I, de Ruysscher D, Kühn T, Boersma LJSpatial location of local recurrences after mastectomy: a systematic reviewBreast Cancer Res Treat. 2020 Sep;183(2):263-273. 2020
Marta GN, Coles C, Kaidar-Person O, Meattini I, Hijal T, Zissiadis Y, Pignol JP, Ramiah D, Ho AY, Cheng SH, Sancho G, Offersen BV, Poortmans PThe use of moderately hypofractionated post-operative radiation therapy for breast cancer in clinical practice: A critical review Crit Rev Oncol Hematol. 2020 Dec;156:103090 2020
Meattini I, Andratschke N, Kirby AM, Sviri G, Offersen BV, Poortmans P, Kaidar Person OChallenges in the treatment of breast cancer brain metastases: evidence, unresolved questions, and a practical algorithmClin Transl Oncol. 2020 Oct;22(10):1698-1709 2020
Nordsmark M, Offersen BVThe risk of radiation-associated heart disease comes from many factors; the chain is as strong as the weakest linkRadiother Oncol. 2020 Nov;152:101-102 2020
Alstrup M, Johannessen AL, Mohanakumar S, Offersen BV, Hjortdal VELymphatic Function in the Arms of Breast Cancer Patients-A Prospective Cohort StudyPlast Reconstr Surg Glob Open. 2021 Aug 25;9(8):e3779 2021
Dahn HM, Boersma LJ, de Ruysscher D, Meattini I, Offersen BV, Pignol JP, Aristei C, Belkacemi Y, Benjamin D, Bese N, Coles CE, Franco P, Ho A, Hol S, Jagsi R, Kirby AM, Marrazzo L, Marta GN, Moran MS, Nichol AM, Nissen HD, Strnad V, Zissiadis YE, Poortmans P, Kaidar-Person OThe use of bolus in postmastectomy radiation therapy for breast cancer: A systematic review.Crit Rev Oncol Hematol. 2021 Jul;163:103391 2021
Kaidar-Person O, Dahn HM, Nichol AM, Boersma LJ, de Ruysscher D, Meattini I, Pignol JP, Aristei C, Belkacemi Y, Benjamin D, Bese N, Coles CE, Franco P, Ho AY, Hol S, Jagsi R, Kirby AM, Marrazzo L, Marta GN, Moran MS, Nissen HD, Strnad V, Zissiadis Y, Poortmans PM, Offersen BVA Delphi study and International Consensus Recommendations: The use of bolus in the setting of postmastectomy radiation therapy for early breast cancerRadiother Oncol. 2021 Nov;164:115-121 2021
Kaidar-Person O, Hermann N, Poortmans P, Offersen BV, Boersma LJ, de Ruysscher D, Tramm T, Kühn T, Engberg Damsgaard T, Gentilini O, Maarse W, Sklair-Levi M, Mátrai ZA multidisciplinary approach for autologous breast reconstruction: A narrative (re)view for better managementRadiother Oncol. 2021 Apr;157:263-271 2021
Kaidar-Person O, Offersen BV, Boersma L, Meattini I, Dodwell D, Wyld L, Aznar M, Major T, Kuehn T, Strnad V, Palmu M, Hol S, Poortmans PTricks and tips for target volume definition and delineation in breast cancer: Lessons learned from ESTRO breast coursesRadiother Oncol. 2021 Sep;162:185-194 2021
Kaidar-Person O, Offersen BV, Boersma LJ, de Ruysscher D, Tramm T, Kühn T, Gentilini O, Mátrai Z, Poortmans PA multidisciplinary view of mastectomy and breast reconstruction: Understanding the challengesBreast. 2021 Apr;56:42-52 2021
Marta GN, Ramiah D, Kaidar-Person O, Kirby A, Coles C, Jagsi R, Hijal T, Sancho G, Zissiadis Y, Pignol JP, Ho AY, Cheng SH, Offersen BV, Meattini I, Poortmans P.The Financial Impact on Reimbursement of Moderately Hypofractionated Postoperative Radiation Therapy for Breast Cancer: An International Consortium ReportClin Oncol (R Coll Radiol). 2021 May;33(5):322-330 2021
Milo MLH, Thorsen LBJ, Johnsen SP, Nielsen KM, Valentin JB, Alsner J, Offersen BVRisk of coronary artery disease after adjuvant radiotherapy in 29,662 early breast cancer patients: A population-based Danish Breast Cancer Group studyRadiother Oncol. 2021 Apr;157:106-113 2021
Nielsen AWM, Kristensen MH, Offersen BV, Alsner J, Zachariae R, Nielsen HMPatient-reported outcomes in postmenopausal breast cancer survivors - comparisons with normative data Acta Oncol. 50: 78-86, 2021 2021
Nielsen AWM, Lundorff M, Nielsen HM, Alsner J, Vrou Offersen B, Kristensen MH, Zachariae RSymptom trajectories in breast cancer survivors: growth mixture analysis of patient-reported pain, fatigue, insomnia, breast and arm symptomsActa Oncol. 2021 Dec;60(12):1659-1667 2021
Offersen BV, Poortmans Phis house believes that all node positive breast cancer patients need post mastectomy radiation therapyEur J Surg Oncol. 2021 Oct;47(10):2521-2524 2021
Rauff Søndergaard S, Ellekjær LB, Bechmann T, Offersen BV, Nielsen MH, Møller M, Berry LL, Zachariae R, Dahl Steffensen KShared decision making with breast cancer patients: impact on patient engagement and fear of recurrence. Protocol for a Danish randomized trial in radiotherapy (DBCG RT SDM)Acta Oncol. 2021 Aug;60(8):1032-1037 2021
Stick LB, Lorenzen EL, Yates ES, Anandadas C, Andersen K, Aristei C, Byrne O, Hol S, Jensen I, Kirby AM, Kirova YM, Marrazzo L, Matías-Pérez A, Nielsen MMB, Nissen HD, Oliveros S, Verhoeven K, Vikström J, Offersen BV Selection criteria for early breast cancer patients in the DBCG proton trial - The randomised phase III trial strategyClin Transl Radiat Oncol. 2021 Feb 4;27:126-131 2021
Thomsen MS, Berg M, Zimmermann S, Lutz CM, Makocki S, Jensen I, Hjelstuen MHB, Pensold S, Hasler MP, Jensen MB, Offersen BVDose constraints for whole breast radiation therapy based on the quality assessment of treatment plans in the randomised Danish breast cancer group (DBCG) HYPO trialClin Transl Radiat Oncol. 2021 Apr 6;28:118-123 2021
Tramm T, Christiansen P, Offersen BV, Madsen KB, Poortmans P, Kaidar-Person OSuperficial margins in skin sparing and nipple sparing mastectomies for DCIS: A margin of potential concernRadiother Oncol. 2021 Aug;161:177-182 2021
Thomsen MS, Alsner J, Nielsen HM, Jakobsen EH, Nielsen MH, Møller M, Pedersen AN, Yates E, Berg M, Lorenzen E, Jensen I, Josipovic M, Overgaard J, Offersen BV; DBCG RT CommitteeVolume matters: Breast induration is associated with irradiated breast volume in the Danish Breast Cancer Group phase III randomized Partial Breast Irradiation trialRadiother Oncol. 2022 Dec;177:231-235 2022
Stick LB, Lægdsmand PMT, Bjerre HL, Høyer M, Jensen K, Jensen MF, Kronborg MB, Offersen BV, Kronborg CJSSpot-scanning proton therapy for targets with adjacent cardiac implantable electronic devices - Strategies for breast and head & neck cancerPhys Imaging Radiat Oncol. 2022 Feb 19;21:66-71 2022
Offersen BV, Overgaard M, Overgaard J.Breast cancer radiotherapy: Is it time to rethink the indication? Radiother Oncol. 2022 Dec;177:238-239 2022
Nankali S, Hansen R, Worm E, Yates ES, Thomsen MS, Offersen B, Poulsen PRAccuracy and potential improvements of surface-guided breast cancer radiotherapy in deep inspiration breath-hold with daily image-guidance Phys Med Biol. 2022 Sep 26;67(19) 2022
Meattini I, Becherini C, Boersma L, Kaidar-Person O, Marta GN, Montero A, Offersen BV, Aznar MC, Belka C, Brunt AM, Dicuonzo S, Franco P, Krause M, MacKenzie M, Marinko T, Marrazzo L, Ratosa I, Scholten A, Senkus E, Stobart H, Poortmans P, Coles CE.European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology Advisory Committee in Radiation Oncology Practice consensus recommendations on patient selection and dose and fractionation for external beam radiotherapy in early breast cancerLancet Oncol. 2022 Jan;23(1):e21-e31 2022
Johannessen AL, Alstrup M, Hjortdal VE, Offersen BV, Mohanakumar S.Lymphatic Function Decreases over Time in the Arms of Breast Cancer Patients following TreatmentPlast Reconstr Surg Glob Open. 2022 Sep 16;10(9):e4507 2022
Fuglsang Jensen M, Stick LB, Høyer M, Kronborg CJS, Lorenzen EL, Mortensen HR, Nyström PW, Petersen SE, Randers P, Thai LMH, Yates ES, Offersen BV.Proton therapy for early breast cancer patients in the DBCG proton trial: planning, adaptation, and clinical experience from the first 43 patientsActa Oncol. 2022 Feb;61(2):223-230 2022