Raul Argota Perez

PhD, medical physicist Department of Oncology, Herlev Hospital raul.argota.perez@regionh.dk
Research interests

DK: Protonterapi, tilpasset strålebehandling, plan robusthed.

Læs mere om Rauls ph.d.-projekt.

UK: Proton therapy, adaptive radiotherapy, plan robustness.

Read more about Raul's PhD project.

Workgroups Publications
  • R Argota-Perez, M B Sharma, U V Elstrøm, D S Møller, C Grau, K Jensen, A I S Holm, S S Korreman Dose and robustness comparison of nominal, daily and accumulated doses for photon and proton treatment of sinonasal cancer Radiother Oncol. 2022 Aug;173:102-108 2022
  • Sharma MB, Argota Perez R, Holm AIS, Korreman SS, Jensen K, Elstrøm UV, Grau C. Air variability in maxillary sinus during radiotherapy for sinonasal carcinoma Clin Transl Radiat Oncol. 2021 Jan 1;27:36-43. 2021
  • Argota-Perez R, Robbins J, Green A, Herk MV, Korreman S, Vásquez-Osorio E Evaluating principal component analysis models for representing anatomical changes in head and neck radiotherapy Phys Imaging Radiat Oncol . 2022 Apr 13;22:13-19 2022