Mette Holck Nielsen

Consultant, PhD Department of Oncology, Odense University Hospital
Research interests

DK: Medlem: DBCG's radioterapiudvalg , DBCGs bestyrelse, kvalitetsindikatorudvalg for brystkræft forsknings interesse: brystbestråling, herunder hjertetoksicitet.

UK: Radiotherapy of breast cancer and heart toxicity.

Workgroups Publications
  • Offersen BV, Alsner J, Nielsen HM, Jakobsen EH, Nielsen MH, Krause M, Stenbygaard L, Mjaaland I, Schreiber A, Kasti UM, Overgaard J; Danish Breast Cancer Group Radiation Therapy Committee Hypofractionated Versus Standard Fractionated Radiotherapy in Patients With Early Breast Cancer or Ductal Carcinoma In Situ in a Randomized Phase III Trial: The DBCG HYPO Trial J Clin Oncol. 2020 Nov 1;38(31):3615-3625. 2020