Kjems J, Zukauskaite R, Johansen J, Eriksen JG, Lassen P, Andersen E, Andersen M, Farhadi M, Overgaard J, Vogelius IR, Friborg JDistant metastases in squamous cell carcinoma of the pharynx and larynx: a population-based DAHANCA studyActa Oncol. 2021 Nov;60(11):1472-1480 2021
Cecilie Holländer-Mieritz, Ivan R Vogelius, Claus A Kristensen, Allan Green, Judith L Rindum, Helle PappotUsing Biometric Sensor Data to Monitor Cancer Patients During Radiotherapy: Protocol for the OncoWatch Feasibility Study JMIR Res Protoc. 2021 May 13;10(5):e26096 2021
Kristian Hastoft Jensen Ivan Vogelius, Claus Ernst Moser , Elo Andersen, Jesper Grau Eriksen, Jørgen Johansen , Mohammad Farhadi, Maria Andersen, Jens Overgaard, Jeppe FriborgBloodstream infections in head and neck cancer patients after curative-intent radiotherapy: a population-based study from the Danish Head and Neck Cancer Group databaseBr J Cancer. 2021 Aug;125(3):458-464 2021
Stine Sofia Korreman, Ivan Richter Vogelius, Ahmed Jibril Abdi, Søren Baarsgaard Hansen, Claus Preibisch BehrensNovel technologies in radiotherapy in the Nordic countries - report from the NACP2020/21 conference Acta Oncol. 2021 Nov;60(11):1383-1385 2021
Abraham George Smith, Jens Petersen, Cynthia Terrones-Campos , Anne Kiil Berthelsen, Nora Jarrett Forbes, Sune Darkner, Lena Specht, Ivan Richter VogeliusRootPainter3D: Interactive-machine-learning enables rapid and accurate contouring for radiotherapy Med Phys. 2022 Jan;49(1):461-473 2022
Bisgaard ALH, Brink C, Fransen ML, Schytte T, Behrens CP, Vogelius I, Nissen HD, Mahmood FRobust extraction of biological information from diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging during radiotherapy using semi-automatic delineationPhys Imaging Radiat Oncol. 2022 Mar 7;21:146-152 2022
Isak Wahlstedt, Nicolaus Andratschke, Claus P Behrens, Stefanie Ehrbar, Hubert S Gabryś, Helena Garcia Schüler, Matthias Guckenberger, Abraham George Smith, Stephanie Tanadini-Lang, José D Tascón-Vidarte , Ivan R Vogelius, Janita E van Timmeren 2Gating has a negligible impact on dose delivered in MRI-guided online adaptive radiotherapy of prostate cancerRadiother Oncol. 2022 May;170:205-212 2022
Kristian Hastoft Jensen, Ivan Richter Vogelius, Mogens Bernsdorf, Anita Gothelf, Claus Andrup Kristensen, Christian Maare , Elo Andersen, Lena Specht, Jeppe FriborgEarly non-cancer mortality risk prediction after curative-intent radiotherapy or chemoradiotherapy for head and neck squamous cell carcinoma Radiother Oncol. 2022 Jun;171:1-6 2022
Line Bjerregaard Stick, Maria Fuglsang Jensen, Søren M Bentzen, Claus Kamby, Anni Young Lundgaard, Maja Vestmø Maraldo, Birgitte Vrou Offersen, Jen Yu, Ivan Richter VogeliusRadiation-Induced Toxicity Risks in Photon Versus Proton Therapy for Synchronous Bilateral Breast CancerInt J Part Ther. 2021 Nov 11;8(4):1-13 2021
Rechner LA, Modiri A, Stick LB, Maraldo MV, Aznar MC, Rice SR, Sawant A, Bentzen SM, Vogelius IR, Specht LBiological optimization for mediastinal lymphoma radiotherapy - a preliminary studyActa Oncol. 2020 Aug;59(8):879-887 2020
Stick LB, Vogelius IR, Modiri A, Rice SR, Maraldo MV, Sawant A, Bentzen SM.Inverse radiotherapy planning based on bioeffect modelling for locally advanced left-sided breast cancerRadiother Oncol . 2019 Jul;136:9-14. 2019
Stick LB, Vogelius IR, Risum S, Josipovic M.Intrafractional fiducial marker position variations in stereotactic liver radiotherapy during voluntary deep inspiration breath-holdBr J Radiol. 2020 Dec 1;93(1116):20200859. 2020
Holländer-Mieritz C, Johansen J, Taarnhøj GA, Johansen C, Vogelius IR, Kristensen CA, Pappot HSystematic use of patient reported outcome during radiotherapy for head and neck cancer: study protocol for the national DAHANCA 38 trialActa Oncol. 2020 May;59(5):603-607 2020
Håkansson K, Smulders B, Specht L, Zhu M, Friborg J, Rasmussen JH, Bentzen SM, Vogelius IR.Radiation dose-painting with protons vs. photons for head-and-neck cancerActa Oncol. 2020 May;59(5):525-533 2020
Risør LM, Loft A, Berthelsen AK, Loft FC, Madsen AR, Vogelius IR, Kjær A, Friborg JFDG-PET/CT in the surveillance of head and neck cancer following radiotherapyEur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2020 Feb;277(2):539-547 2020
Vogelius IR, Bentzen SMDiminishing Returns From Ultrahypofractionated Radiation Therapy for Prostate CancerInt J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2020 Jun 1;107(2):299-304. 2020
Lindegaard AM, von Buchwald C, Rasmussen JH, Specht L, Vogelius IR, Zamani M, Woller NC, Lelkaitis G, Friborg JOutcome in patients with isolated regional recurrence after primary radiotherapy for head and neck cancer.Head Neck. 2020 Jul 18. 2020
Jensen KH, Vogelius I, Kristensen CA, Andersen E, Overgaard J, Eriksen JG, Primdahl H, Johansen J, Farhadi M, Andersen M, Friborg JEarly Mortality after Radical Radiotherapy in Head and Neck Cancer - A Nationwide Analysis from the Danish Head and Neck Cancer Group (DAHANCA) Database.Clin Oncol (R Coll Radiol) . 2020 Jul 19;S0936-6555(20)30286-7. 2020
Vogelius IR, Petersen J, Bentzen SMHarnessing data science to advance radiation oncologyMol Oncol . 2020 Jul;14(7):1514-1528. 2020
Scherman J, Appelt AL, Yu J, Persson GF, Nygård L,
Langendijk JA, Bentzen SM, Vogelius IR.Incorporating NTCP into Randomized Trials of Proton Versus Photon Therapy.Int J Part Ther. 2019 Winter;5(3):24-32. 2019
Holländer-Mieritz C, Johansen J, Johansen C, Vogelius IR, Kristensen CA, Pappot HComparing the patients' subjective experiences of acute side effects during radiotherapy for head and neck cancer with four different patient-reported outcomes questionnaires.Acta Oncol. 2019 May;58(5):603-609. 2019
Håkansson K, Rasmussen JH, Bentzen SM, Friborg J, Specht L, Vogelius IROn the relation between improved loco-regional control and disease-free survival in head-and-neck cancer.Acta Oncol. 2019 Mar;58(3):390-392. 2019
Laursen M, Specht L, Kristensen CA, Gothelf A, Bernsdorf M, Vogelius I, Friborg JAn Extended Hypofractionated Palliative Radiotherapy Regimen for Head and Neck Carcinomas.Front Oncol. 2018 Jun 11;8:206 2018
Gasic D, Rosenschöld PMA, Vogelius IR, Maraldo MV, Aznar MC, Nysom K, Björk-Eriksson T, Bentzen SM, Brodin NPRetrospective estimation of heart and lung doses in pediatric patients treated with spinal irradiation.Radiother Oncol. 2018 Aug;128(2):209-213 2018
Modiri A, Stick LB, Rice SR, Rechner LA, Vogelius IR, Bentzen SM, Sawant A.Individualized estimates of overall survival in radiation therapy plan optimization - A concept studyMed Phys. 2018 Nov;45(11):5332-5342 2018
Nygård L, Vogelius IR, Fischer BM, Kjær A, Langer SW, Aznar MC, Persson GF, Bentzen SM.A Competing Risk Model of First Failure Site after Definitive Chemoradiation Therapy for Locally Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung CancerJ Thorac Oncol. 2018 Apr;13(4):559-567 2018
Vogelius IR, Bentzen SMDose Response and Fractionation Sensitivity of Prostate Cancer After External Beam Radiation Therapy: A Meta-analysis of Randomized Trials Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2018 Mar 15;100(4):858-865 2018
Skaarup M, Edmund JM, Dorn S, Kachelriess M, Vogelius IR.Dual-energy material decomposition for cone-beam computed tomography in image-guided radiotherapyActa Oncol. 2019 Oct;58(10):1483-1488 2019
Terrones-Campos C, Ledergerber B, Vogelius IR, Specht L, Helleberg M, Lundgren JLymphocyte Count Kinetics, Factors Associated with the End-of-Radiation-Therapy Lymphocyte Count, and Risk of Infection in Patients with Solid Malignant Tumors Treated with Curative-Intent Radiation TherapyInt J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2019 Nov 15;105(4):812-823 2019
Vorbeck CS, Jhingran A, Iyer RB, Loft A, Klopp A, Mirza MR, Sobremonte A, Vedam S, Vogelius IRPatterns of treatment failure in patients undergoing adjuvant or definitive radiotherapy for vulvar cancer Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2019 May 23:ijgc-2019-000223 2019
Clausen MM, Vogelius IR, Kjær A, Bentzen SM. .Multiple Testing, Cut-Point Optimization, and Signs of Publication Bias in Prognostic FDG-PET Imaging Studies of Head and Neck and Lung Cancer: A Review and Meta-AnalysisDiagnostics (Basel). 2020 Dec 1;10(12):1030. 2020
Ibragimov B, Toesca DAS, Chang DT, Yuan Y, Koong AC, Xing L, Vogelius IR.Deep learning for identification of critical regions associated with toxicities after liver stereotactic body radiation therapyMed Phys. 2020 Aug;47(8):3721-3731 2020
Nielsen K, Maraldo MV, Berthelsen AK, Loft A, de Nully Brown P, Vogelius IR, Petersen PM, Specht LInvolved node radiation therapy in the combined modality treatment for early-stage Hodgkin lymphoma: Analysis of relapse location and long-term outcomeRadiother Oncol. 2020 Sep;150:236-244 2020
Nygård L, Ahlborn LB, Persson GF, Chandrananda D, Langer JW, Fischer BM, Langer SW, Gabrielaite M, Kjær A, Rosenfeld N, Mouliere F, Østrup O, Vogelius IR, Bentzen SMCirculating cell free DNA during definitive chemo-radiotherapy in non-small cell lung cancer patients - initial observations.PLoS One. 2020 Apr 28;15(4):e0231884 2020
Olin AB, Hansen AE, Rasmussen JH, Ladefoged CN, Berthelsen AK, Håkansson K, Vogelius IR, Specht L, Gothelf AB, Kjaer A, Fischer BM, Andersen FL Feasibility of Multiparametric Positron Emission Tomography/Magnetic Resonance Imaging as a One-Stop Shop for Radiation Therapy Planning for Patients with Head and Neck Cancer. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2020 Dec 1;108(5):1329-1338 2020
Stervik L, Pettersson N, Scherman J, Behrens CF, Ceberg C, Engelholm S, Gunnarsson K, Hallqvist A, Nyman J, Persson GF, Pøhl M, Wahlstedt I, Vogelius IR, Bäck AAnalysis of early respiratory-related mortality after radiation therapy of non-small-cell lung cancer: feasibility of automatic data extraction for dose-response studiesActa Oncol. 2020 Jun;59(6):628-635 2020
Yahalom J, Dabaja BS, Ricardi U, Ng A, Mikhaeel NG, Vogelius IR, Illidge T, Qi S, Wirth A, Specht L. ILROG emergency guidelines for radiation therapy of hematological malignancies during the COVID-19 pandemicBlood. 2020 May 21;135(21):1829-1832 2020
Ahangari S, Hansen NL, Olin AB, Nøttrup TJ, Ryssel H, Berthelsen AK, Löfgren J, Loft A, Vogelius IR, Schnack T, Jakoby B, Kjaer A, Andersen FL, Fischer BM, Hansen AEToward PET/MRI as one-stop shop for radiotherapy planning in cervical cancer patients Acta Oncol. 2021 Aug;60(8):1045-1053 2021
Milano MT, Vargo JA, Yorke ED, Ronckers CM, Kremer LC, Chafe SMJ, van Santen HM, Marks LB, Bentzen SM, Constine LS, Vogelius IR.Primary Hypothyroidism in Childhood Cancer Survivors Treated With Radiation Therapy: A PENTEC Comprehensive Review Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2021 Mar 17:S0360-3016(21)00128-0 2021
Modiri A, Vogelius I, Rechner LA, Nygård L, Bentzen SM, Specht L.Outcome-based multiobjective optimization of lymphoma radiation therapy plansBr J Radiol. 2021 Nov 1;94(1127):20210303 2021
Olin AB, Thomas C, Hansen AE, Rasmussen JH, Krokos G, Urbano TG, Michaelidou A, Jakoby B, Ladefoged CN, Berthelsen AK, Håkansson K, Vogelius IR, Specht L, Barrington SF, Andersen FL, Fischer BMRobustness and Generalizability of Deep Learning Synthetic Computed Tomography for Positron Emission Tomography/Magnetic Resonance Imaging-Based Radiation Therapy Planning of Patients With Head and Neck CancerAdv Radiat Oncol. 2021 Jul 26;6(6):100762 2021
Skaarup M, Lundemann MJ, Darkner S, Jørgensen M, Marner L, Mirkovic D, Grosshans D, Peeler C, Mohan R, Vogelius IR, Appelt AA framework for voxel-based assessment of biological effect after proton radiotherapy in pediatric brain cancer patients using multi-modal imagingMed Phys. 2021 Jul;48(7):4110-4121 2021
Terrones-Campos C, Ledergerber B, Vogelius IR, Helleberg M, Specht L, Lundgren JHematological toxicity in patients with solid malignant tumors treated with radiation - Temporal analysis, dose response and impact on survivalRadiother Oncol. 2021 May;158:175-183 2021
Vogelius IR, Bentzen SMRadiation Dose Escalation for Early Prostate Cancer: Reigniting the FLAME?J Clin Oncol. 2021 Sep 20;39(27):3085-3086 2021
Vogelius IR, Bentzen SMProton vs photon radiation therapy for glioblastoma: Maximizing information from trialNeuro Oncol. 2022 May 4;24(5):849-850 2022
Terrones-Campos C, Ledergerber B, Specht L, Vogelius IR, Helleberg M, Lundgren JRisk of Bacterial, Viral, and Fungal Infections in Patients With Solid Malignant Tumors Treated With Curative Intent Radiation TherapyAdv Radiat Oncol. 2022 Mar 21;7(6):100950 2022
Tascón-Vidarte JD, Stick LB, Josipovic M, Risum S, Jomier J, Erleben K, Vogelius IR, Darkner SAccuracy and consistency of intensity-based deformable image registration in 4DCT for tumor motion estimation in liver radiotherapy planningPLoS One. 2022 Jul 8;17(7):e0271064 2022
Steen-Olsen EB, Stormoen DR, Kristensen CA, Vogelius IR, Holländer-Mieritz C, Pappot HPatient-reported outcome during radiotherapy for head and neck cancer: the use of different PRO questionnairesEur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2022 Aug;279(8):4199-4206 2022
Nielsen K, Maraldo MV, Berthelsen AK, Loft A, Brown PN, Vogelius IR, Meidahl Petersen P, Specht L.Patterns of relapse and long-term outcome in patients treated with a curative intent for advanced Hodgkin lymphomaActa Oncol. 2022 Sep;61(9):1056-1063 2022
Klavsen MF, Ankjærgaard C, Behrens CP, Vogelius IR, Boye K, Hvass Hansen R, Andersen CETime-resolved plastic scintillator dosimetry in MR linear accelerators without image distortion Radiat Meas, (106759), vol. 154, p. 1-11, 2022 2022
Isak Wahlstedt, Abraham George Smith, Claus Erik Andersen, Claus Preibisch Behrens, Susanne Nørring Bekke, Kristian Boye, Mette van Overeem Felter, Mirjana Josipovic, Jens Petersen, Signe Lenora Risumlund, José David Tascón-Vidarte, Janita Elizabeth van Timmeren, Ivan Richter VogeliusInterfractional dose accumulation for MR-guided liver SBRT: Variation among algorithms is highly patient- and fraction-dependentRadiotherapy and Oncology 2022