DK: Jeg har arbejdet forskningsmæssigt med strålebehandling til hoved hals cancer og prostatacancer. Herunder funktionel billeddannelse med PET/CT til undersøgelse af spytkirtlernes funktion efter strålebehandling og iltmangel i kræftknuder. En andet væsentligt forskningsområde er brachyterapi til prostata cancer.
UK: I have been working, in terms of research, with radiotherapy to head and neck cancer, and prostate cancer. Including functional image formation with PET/CT to the examination of the salivary gland's function after radiotherapy and lack of oxygen in cancerous growth. Another essential research area is brachytherapy for prostate cancer.
Workgroups Publications- Accuracy of an in vivo dosimetry-based source tracking method for afterloading brachytherapy - A phantom study Med Phys. 2021 May;48(5):2614-2623 2021
- 3D dose reconstruction based on in vivo dosimetry for determining the dosimetric impact of geometric variations in high-dose-rate prostate brachytherapy Radiother Oncol. 2022 Jun;171:62-68 2022
- Cognitive impairment and associations with structural brain networks, endocrine status, and risk genotypes in patients with newly diagnosed prostate cancer referred to androgen-deprivation therapy Cancer. 2020 Dec 22. 2020
- Time-resolved in vivo dosimetry for source tracking in brachytherapy Brachytherapy. 2018 Jan - Feb; 17(1): 122-132 2018
- Dwell time verification in brachytherapy based on time resolved in vivo dosimetry Phys Med. 2019 Apr;60:156-161. 2019
- Needle migration and dosimetric impact in high-dose-rate brachytherapy for prostate cancer evaluated by repeated MRI. Brachytherapy. 2018 Jan-Feb;17(1):50-58 2018