Morten Busk

Seniorforsker Kræftafdelingen, Aarhus University Hospital
Research interests

DK: Funktionel imaging med særlig fokus på onkologisk PET. Udvikling og evaluering af hypoksi-selektive sporstoffer ved hjælp af forsøg i cellesystemer og tumorbærende mus med henblik på at kunne a) påvise og kvantificere mikromiljø-relaterede resistensproblemer før behandling igangsættes, b) evaluere anvendeligheden af PET til at guide optimalt behandlingsvalg, herunder muligheden for at modificere stråleterapi (hel-tumor dosis-eskalation eller dose painting) eller supplere med medikamentel hypoksisk intervention, c) evaluere behandlingseffektivitet tidligt efter behandlingsstart.

UK: Functional imaging with a special focus on oncological PET. Development and evaluation of hypoxia selective trace element by means of experiments in cell systems and tumor-bearing mice for the purpose of a) showing and quantifying microenvironment-related resistant problems before treatment start, b) evaluate the utility of PET to guide optimal treatment choice, including the opportunity to modify radiotherapy (whole-tumor dose-escalation or dose painting) or complement with medicamentary hypoxic intervention, c) evaluating treatment effectivity early after treatment start. 

Workgroups Publications
  • Elming PB, Wittenborn TR, Busk M, Sørensen BS, Thomsen MBH, Strandgaard T, Dyrskjøt L, Nielsen S, Horsman MR Refinement of an Established Procedure and Its Application for Identification of Hypoxia in Prostate Cancer Xenografts Cancers (Basel) . 2021 May 26;13(11):2602 2021
  • Horsman MR, Sørensen BS, Busk M, Siemann DW Therapeutic Modification of Hypoxia Clin Oncol (R Coll Radiol) . 2021 Nov;33(11):e492-e509 2021
  • Busk M, Overgaard J, Horsman MR Imaging of Tumor Hypoxia for Radiotherapy: Current Status and Future Directions Semin Nucl Med. 2020 Nov;50(6):562-583. 2020
  • Lilja-Fischer JK, Ulhøi BP, Alsner J, Stougaard M, Thomsen MS, Busk M, Lassen P, Steiniche T, Nielsen VE, Overgaard J. Characterization and radiosensitivity of HPV-related oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma patient-derived xenografts. Acta Oncol. 2019 Oct;58(10):1489-1494. 2019
  • Busk M, Horsman MR, Overgaard J, Jakobsen S. Dual-tracer PET of viable tumor volume and hypoxia for identification of necrosis-containing radio-resistant Sub-volumes. Acta Oncol. 2019 Oct;58(10):1476-1482. 2019
  • Jacobsen KM, Villadsen NL, Tørring T, Nielsen CB, Salomón T, Nielsen MM, Tsakos M, Sibbersen C, Scavenius C, Nielsen R, Christensen EI, Guerra PF, Bross P, Pedersen JS, Enghild JJ, Johannsen M, Frøkiær J, Overgaard J, Horsman MR, Busk M, Poulsen TB APD-Containing Cyclolipodepsipeptides Target Mitochondrial Function in Hypoxic Cancer Cells. Cell Chem Biol. 2018 Nov 15;25(11):1337-1349.e12 2018