Britta Weber

MD, PhD Danish Centre for Particle Therapy, Aarhus University Hospital
Research interests

DK: MR hyperpolarisering til tidlig påvisning af behandlingseffekt hos patienter med pancreascancer. Stereotaktisk strålebehandling af levertumorer. Strålebehandling med protoner til patienter med pancreas eller levertumorer.

UK: MR hyperpolarisation to early establishing of treatment effects among patients with pancreas cancer. Stereotactic radiation treatment of liver tumors. Radiation treatment with protons to patients with pancreas or liver tumors. 

Workgroups Publications
  • Worm ES, Hansen R, Høyer M, Weber B, Mortensen H, Poulsen PR Uniform versus non-uniform dose prescription for proton stereotactic body radiotherapy of liver tumors investigated by extensive motion-including treatment simulations Phys Med Biol . 2021 Oct 12;66(20) 2021
  • Lorenzen EL, Kallehauge JF, Byskov CS, Dahlrot RH, Haslund CA, Guldberg TL, Lassen-Ramshad Y, Lukacova S, Muhic A, Witt Nyström P, Haldbo-Classen L, Bahij I, Larsen L, Weber B, Hansen CR A national study on the inter-observer variability in the delineation of organs at risk in the brain Acta Oncol . 2021 Nov;60(11):1548-1554 2021
  • Byskov CS, Hansen CR, Dahlrot RH, Haldbo-Classen L, Haslund CA, Kjær-Kristoffersen F, Kristensen TO, Lassen-Ramshad Y, Lukacova S, Muhic A, Nyström PW, Weber B, Kallehauge JF Treatment plan comparison of proton vs photon radiotherapy for lower-grade gliomas Phys Imaging Radiat Oncol . 2021 Nov 28;20:98-104 2021
  • Nankali S, Worm ES, Hansen R, Weber B, Høyer M, Zirak A, Poulsen PR Geometric and dosimetric comparison of four intrafraction motion adaptation strategies for stereotactic liver radiotherapy Phys Med Biol 2018: 63; 145010 2018
  • Worm ES, Høyer M, Hansen R, Larsen LP, Weber B, Grau C, Poulsen PR. A Prospective Cohort Study of Gated Stereotactic Liver Radiation Therapy Using Continuous Internal Electromagnetic Motion Monitoring. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2018 Jun 1;101(2):366-375 2018
  • Skouboe S, Ravkilde T, Bertholet J, Hansen R, Worm ES, Muurholm CG, Weber B, Høyer M, Poulsen PR. First clinical real-time motion-including tumor dose reconstruction during radiotherapy delivery. Radiother Oncol. 2019 Oct;139:66-71. 2019
  • Bertholet J, Toftegaard J, Hansen R, Worm ES, Wan H, Parikh PJ, Weber B, Høyer M, Poulsen PR. Automatic online and real-time tumour motion monitoring during stereotactic liver treatments on a conventional linac by combined optical and sparse monoscopic imaging with kilovoltage x-rays (COSMIK). Phys Med Biol. 63(5); pp. 055012 2018
  • Kjærgaard K, Weber B, Alstrup AKO, Petersen JBB, Hansen R, Hamilton-Dutoit SJ, Mortensen FV, Sørensen M Hepatic regeneration following radiation-induced liver injury is associated with increased hepatobiliary secretion measured by PET in Göttingen minipigs Sci Rep. 2020 Jul 2;10(1):10858 2020
  • Lee YYD, Nguyen DT, Moodie T, O'Brien R, McMaster A, Hickey A, Pritchard N, Poulsen P, Tabaksblat EM, Weber B, Worm E, Pryor D, Chu J, Hardcastle N, Booth J, Gebski V, Wang T, Keall P Study protocol of the LARK (TROG 17.03) clinical trial: a phase II trial investigating the dosimetric impact of Liver Ablative Radiotherapy using Kilovoltage intrafraction monitoring BMC Cancer. 2021 May 3;21(1):494 2021
  • Mortensen HR, Villadsen GE, Worm ES, Weber B Survival and morbidity following stereotactic radiotherapy of hepatocellular carcinoma: a ten-year, single institution experience Scand J Gastroenterol. 2021 Mar;56(3):259-265 2021
  • Thuehøj AU, Andersen NC, Worm ES, Høyer M, Tabaksblat EM, Weber B, Mortensen HR Clinical outcomes after stereotactic ablative radiotherapy in locally advanced cholangiocarcinoma Acta Oncol. 2022 Feb;61(2):197-201 2022