Mirjana Josipovic
Hospitalsfysiker, PhD Oncology, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen mirjana.josipovic@regionh.dkDK: Styring af åndedrætsbevægelser i brystkassen og øvre abdomen. Billedstyret og adaptiv stråleterapi. Stereotactic radiation treatment (SBRT).
UK: Respiratory motion management in thorax and upper abdomen. Image-guided and adaptive radiotherapy. Stereotaktisk strålebehandling (SBRT).
Workgroups- WP4 - Adaptive Radiation Therapy
- IP5 - Lung
- IP7 - Upper gastrointestinal
- IP8 - Liver and gall bladder
- IP15 - Oligometastatic disease
- Partial Breast Irradiation Versus Whole Breast Irradiation for Early Breast Cancer Patients in a Randomized Phase III Trial: The Danish Breast Cancer Group Partial Breast Irradiation Trial J Clin Oncol . 2022 Aug 5 2022
- Intrafractional fiducial marker position variations in stereotactic liver radiotherapy during voluntary deep inspiration breath-hold Br J Radiol. 2020 Dec 1;93(1116):20200859. 2020
- Deep inspiration breath hold in locally advanced lung cancer radiotherapy: validation of intrafractional geometric uncertainties in the INHALE trial Br J Radiol. 2019 Dec;92(1104):20190569 2019
- Thorough design and pre-trial quality assurance (QA) decrease dosimetric impact of delineation and dose planning variability in the STRICTLUNG and STARLUNG trials for stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) of central and ultra-central lung tumours Radiother Oncol . 2022 Jun;171:53-61 2022
- Interfractional dose accumulation for MR-guided liver SBRT: Variation among algorithms is highly patient- and fraction-dependent Radiotherapy and Oncology 2022