Henrik Dahl Nissen

Medicinsk fysiker, PhD Onkologisk Afdeling, Medicinsk Fysik, Sygehus Lillebælt, Vejle Sygehus henrik.dahl.nissen@rsyd.dk
Research interests

DK: Jeg er interesseret i brug af billeder og billedanalyse sammen med kunstig intelligens til at forbedre planlægning af strålebehandling og til at forudsige effekten af strålebehandling for den enkelte patient. Desuden arbejder jeg meget med automatisering af dataindsamling fra forskellige kilder, (f.eks. databaser, dosisplanlægnings-systemer og elektroniske PRO-skemaer) til opbygning af forskningsdatabaser.

UK: I am interested in the use of images and image analysis together with artificial intelligence to improve the planning of radiotherapy and to predict the effect of radiotherapy for the single patient. Furthermore, I work with the automation of data collection from different sources (for instance databases, dose planning systems and electronic PRO-schemes) to build up research databases. 

Workgroups Publications
  • Bisgaard ALH, Brink C, Fransen ML, Schytte T, Behrens CP, Vogelius I, Nissen HD, Mahmood F Robust extraction of biological information from diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging during radiotherapy using semi-automatic delineation Phys Imaging Radiat Oncol. 2022 Mar 7;21:146-152 2022
  • Kaidar-Person O, Nissen HD, Yates ES, Andersen K, Boersma LJ, Boye K, Canter R, Costa E, Daniel , Hol S, Jensen I, Lorenzen EL, Mjaaland I, Nielsen MEK, Poortmans P, Vikström J, Webb J, Offersen BV Postmastectomy Radiation Therapy Planning After Immediate Implant-based Reconstruction Using the European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology-Advisory Committee in Radiation Oncology Practice Consensus Guidelines for Target Volume Delineation Clin Oncol (R Coll Radiol) . 2021 Jan;33(1):20-29 2021
  • Martin Berg, Ebbe L Lorenzen, Ingelise Jensen, Mette S Thomsen, Christina Maria Lutz, Lasse Refsgaard, Henrik D Nissen , Birgitte V Offersen The potential benefits from respiratory gating for breast cancer patients regarding target coverage and dose to organs at risk when applying strict dose limits to the heart: results from the DBCG HYPO trial Acta Oncol. 2018 Jan;57(1):113-119 2018